
Dramione:Hermione+Draco pt.15

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Dramione: Hermione+ Draco

The Untold Story


Surprisingly it took them an excruciating amount of time to make it to the girls dormitories. They needed somewhere private and Ron’s room was out of the question, Harry would be there. Gryffindors kept trying to talk to Ron and people kept asking Hermione for help on homework but finally she were standing outside of Hermione’s room. She stepped aside but pushed open the door for him. Unfortunately she head giggled come from inside. Her roommates were there.

“Ron you know you aren’t supposed to be here”, Lamora scolded, making clear she wasn’t really angry. Hermione rolled her eyes. Her roommates were the craziest girls she had ever met in her life. Hermione stepped out behind Ron. H had kind of stopped in the doorway and Hermione pushed him into the room. He stumbled and turned to glare at her. She gave him an exasperated look then turned to the beds. Unfortunately Lamora wasn’t the only one there, Hermiones other roommates, Simone and Ashley were there too.

‘The one time they all come right back here after dinner and it had to be tonight’, she thought, not believing her bad luck.

“Uh ladies you wouldn’t mind if we talked in here would you”, Hermione asked nicely. “It is really important”, she added. Ron nodded his head in agreement.

“Oh, Hermione you know its no problem”, Lamora said, checking out Ron.

“Of course you can”, Simone added. Hermione looked confused as none of them went to move. Then she realized that they had no intentions of leaving.

“Uh, guys. I meant alone.” They looked at her confused.

“WE have to talk alone”, she said slowly.

“Ugh”, Ashley sighed. “Lets go ladies. They need their privacy.” The three of them single filed out of the door then Ashley turned back to Hermione. She eyed Ron for a second then gave Hermione a wink, closing the door behind her. Hermione rolled her eyes again.

Once she turned and saw Ron sitting on her bed, she began to panic. This was it. This was really about to happen. For a moment she stood there thinking of what parts of the story she could include. Then she stopped herself.

‘No’, she thought. ‘You did that already and look where it got you. You are about to loose two very important people in your life. No more lies. If they mean anything to you then no more lies.’

She noticed Ron give her a weird look as she had this conversation in her head. She knew that even though they were broken up there was no doubt that he was still one of her favorite people, even if he did drive her crazy. She let out a breath. If it came down to it she knew she would trust him with anything, even her life and she felt some weight come off her shoulders.

She ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck. He was momentarily surprised but patted her back. She pulled away from him and put her head in her hands.

“This is such a mess”, she mumbled.

“Yeah. You’ve messed up big time. But at least it wasn’t me this time”, he laughed feebly. She looked up and frowned.

“Okay”, she sighed. “No more putting it off. I promise this is the truth and I just hope you won’t be too mad about it later.”

Ron nodded, waiting for her to go on.

“So that day when I skipped Herbology.” She paused and gulped. “I didn’t plan on skipping. I obviously wanted to let you and Melanie walk alone so I really did try and go to the bathroom. But I passed moaning Murtles bathroom and someone was crying. It was a Slytherin, Alissa. She likes Malfoy apparently and-.” She stopped remembering that Alissa DID like Draco. She had asked Hermione to talk to him for her and be her friend and now Hermione was in a…something with Draco. Some friend she was. She sighed as she noticed that phrase kept popping into her head.

Ron cleared his throat. She had been having a conversation in her head again, and had just left him sitting there.

“Sorry”, she muttered. “Anyway she asked me to talk to him for her and she told me this really sad story and stuff so I said yes. I didn’t want to but I figured why not. So that night when I just got up and left after him it was because Melanie had told me he left dinner early every night. I figured that would be my chance. So I stood outside the Slytherin common room while he said the password. Once he was inside I said the password myself and went in. It was dark and quiet then suddenly he had his wand pointed at me. I guess I’m not very good at sneaking around sometimes. Anyway I told him about Alissa then we kind of had a fight and he was saying that he didn’t hate me anymore. He said he didn’t have a reason to and that he just wanted to be left alone and stuff. So I left.”

Hermione glanced at Ron to see how he was taking it so far.

“Stalking someone and sneaking into the SLytherin common room”, he said, thinking this over. “Who are you and what have you done with Hermione”, he laughed and Hermione felt guilty again. At this point the guilt never went away, it was kind of like a dull numb feeling.

“Don’t laugh yet”, she said and continued her story. “So the next time I left early I was going back to the common room to do some work but Malfoy also had left and I didn’t want him thinking I had followed him again so I was trying to hide and stuff. Then a group of girls jumped me and made me drink some potion. Then I fell down the changing stairs.” She paused, hating the fact that she had to relive the moment. She was also careful to say Malfoy instead f Draco. She didn’t want Ron to freak out before she got to um that part of the story.

“I had trouble staying conscious and I guess Malfoy heard me fall because he came out of his common room and carried me to the hospital wing.” Rons eyes had been wide with concern but now he had a surprised look on his face.

“He helped you”, he asked skeptically.

“Yeah. But I’m not done. I was passed out when he was carrying me but then I woke up in the hospital wing and he was still there. I didn’t know why but I asked if he would keep it to himself. I didn’t want anyone knowing about what happened with those girls. And besides, I was going to tell you and Harry eventually, when I was ready to talk about it. He said he wouldn’t. Then that week when you didn’t see me at all I was still in the hospital wing. It turned out that for some reason he had come to visit me every night. One night I stayed up and we talked for a little while and, and, and he had held my hand.” Hermione swallowed and say that Rons eyes were about to pop out of his head. He wasn’t laughing anymore.

“Anyway when I was released form the hospital wing I went looking for you two in the common room and everyone said you guys were confronting Malfoy so I went to the Slytherin common room. When I walked in Harry and Malfoy were fighting so I said a curse that was a lot stronger than I intended it to be. It threw them against the walls and without thinking I ran over to Malfoy and then Harry got up a while later because he hadn’t been thrown as far and wasn’t hurt too bad. He started wondering what was going on and got all mad and stuff. I couldn’t really explain what was going on and I really hadn’t been paying attention to who I ran to first.” Hermione was finding it hard to breath nevertheless speak but she continued anyway, anxious to get it all off her chest.

“I know that Harry wouldn’t have made it a big deal if it had been someone else but it was Malfoy so he kind of freaked out. Anyway he stormed off and then Alissa came out of nowhere and ordered everyone to go away and they did.” She started saying all of this very fast and she hoped Ron could understand because she wouldn’t be able to repeat it again. “

“So she stayed there and we tried to get Draco to wake up but he kind of kept passing out.” Ron smirked at this comment.

“So then I just said I would get an ice pack and when I came back Alissa was touching his face all weird”, she said making sure to leave out that other bit. It had nothing to do with her and it was embarrassing to even think about.

“Then she ran out and left me with him and then he woke up and I didn’t know what to do. Harry was mad and I knew you were going to be mad and I was really worried that Harry had been more hurt than he was letting on or that Malfoy was seriously injured too so then I had a meltdown. I started crying and the next thing I know Malfoy is holding me and I’m sitting on his lap and we are holding hands and I’m really confused about it. Then I comeback and talk to you then I run back into Alissa and she says that they are together or something and that when they talked they had been making out or something.” Ron frowned at this idea. But didn’t interrupt.

“So then I got mad because I thought he was being a stupid idiot and using girls and stuff but then I ran into this girl Ariell who is apparently his best friend and she said that I was crazy because I believed that. I don’t think she really likes me but she took me to see Draco and then she left. Me and Draco were talking and I started asking him who he thought he was and he told me chill out and told me the truth. And then he asked if I liked him at all and I said yes and then he kissed me and it was so nice and sweet.” Hermione realized she had slipped up and said Draco towards the end but at this point it didn’t matter. She also realized Ron was making a really nasty face but it felt so good to talk to him again like old times that she couldn’t stop.

“He was so gentle and he made it so easy like it was no big deal and I relaxed and this year I had started thinking weird things about him and I thought there was something wrong with me but there isn’t because now I realize that maybe he isn’t who I thought he was. It sounds cheesy but it is true. I only ever hated him because of his rivalry with Harry and because he called me mean names but he grew up and instead of realizing that I judged him. Now I think about him all the time and I am still pretty sure there is something wrong with me but I don’t even care anymore.”

She stopped, breathing heavily. She had barely taken a breath through all of that. Only a few seconds later did she realize that she had told all of that to her ex boyfriend. ‘But then again’, she thought. ‘Who cares if he is my ex. He is still one of my best friends.’

She took the risk and glanced at Ron who looked shocked. Hermione couldn’t be totally sure at which part of the story he was shocked about.

Ron started shaking his head as if it would make everything she had just told him go away. Hermione could already see he was about to go ballistic.

“Ron I really need you to understand. I don’t really get any of this either. All I do get is that for some reason I like Draco and I screwed up, and I just want my friends back. Please be on my side. I need you there when I repeat this to Harry. You don’t even know how hard this was to say to you. I need you to understand.”

Ron stood up suddenly.

“Understand”, he demanded. “You want me to understand?”

Hermione nodded. This was not going too well.

“How the heck am I going to understand? You lied to us.”

“I know and I’m sorry but I knew how you guys feel about Draco and for some reason I thought it would be better if I didn’t tell you. That wasn’t right though.”

Ron looked at Hermione with confusion.

“Let us not forget that until last WEEK ‘our’ feelings about Malfoy were the same as your feelings about Malfoy. That only changed when you two got all gooey eyed.” Hermione looked at him shocked.

“Well not completely. When he told me that stuff the night I followed him I realized that I needed to let the past go-”

“That doesn’t mean you start snogging him Hermione”, Ron interrupted.

Hermione looked away, tears brimming in the corners of her eyes. She took a deep breath.

“I don’t want to fight with you Ron”, she said softly. “You are supposed to be my friend. If this is what I want, and I don’t know if it is, but IF it is then you should be happy. You should be on my side, not trying to knock me down.”

Ron walked back over to her bed and sat down next to her.

“I am your friend. Which is why I cant just let you get involved with the devil. Have you forgotten who he is and what he has done to people? And done to YOU for that matter.”

Hermione lowered her eyes, thinking of that conversation the night she followed him. ‘He is right’, she thought. ‘No one will ever let it go.’

She stood up and walked to her door. Ron frowned at her, wondering what she was doing.

“Ron, I haven’t forgotten. And neither has he because no one will let him forget. I don’t care what you think of him. I don’t even know what I think of him. I just know that I want my friends back. I want my two best friends who would stand by me whether I’m right or wrong.” She opened the door and looked back at Ron.

“I am going to tell Harry now. You could come or you could not. But I would really love it if you did.” She walked out the door.

For a few dreadful seconds she really though Ron wasn’t coming. Thankfully she heard him jogging to catch up with her. She was already standing outside of Ron and Harrys room.

“Wait up Hermione”, she heard Ron call out. She paused and turned around, relief washing over her. He came to a halt next to her.

“I don’t think this whole Malfoy thing is a good idea but we can talk about that later. Besides, you need all the backup you can get”, he added pointing at his door. Hermione managed a faint chuckle then suddenly she pulled Ron into a tight hug.

“Thank you”, she mumbled into his shirt. They pulled apart form each other.

“Yeah well you’re not off the hook, you know.” Hermione smiled. She knew she wasn’t and she didn’t care. She was just glad the worst with him was over.

She looked at the door separating her and her very angry friend.

“Well, open it”, Ron said taking a deep breath.

Hermione looked at him, and he managed a small smile.

“Okay. Here goes nothing.”

She opened the door, and walked in.

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TinkerTalker's avatar
At least Ron understood......kinda........